Ever have Issues Engaging with KM on Your social Media? Well, stop Today!

Take daily post ideas to easily engage in the knowledge management world on your chosen platform.


Do you struggle with posting original social media content for knowledge managers or others finding their way in KM?

I try to post daily, but that doesn't always happen. Sometimes, I struggle some days while others days are easier. This calendar has ideas for you to share your KM thoughts and grab your readers' attention!

the problem

You are on a roll posting and meeting your goal to post daily (or weekly or monthly) on LinkedIn, FB, or IG, but then you miss one day (week or month) because you don't know what to post....then another day...then another day (you get it)! Your frustration turns to defeat.

So how do you get back on track?


The 2024 Knowledge Management Social Media Calendar!

When you get this calendar, you have posts that you just need to fill the blank or expand on the concept shared to remove the struggle of "What the heck do I post today?" Knowledge management is sometimes difficult for people to understand, but through your social media posts, not only do you get to engage with your network, you can make everyday a post about KM whether your network is on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram, providing your explicit and tacit knowledge.

You can also use these prompts to help engage your network if you use a newsletter or email list.

And since you will have the entire year of prompts in your hands, you can write your posts and schedule them a week, month, or the entire year in one sitting!

Do you really need to post every day? Only if you want to, but wouldn't you like the option?

Check out the sneak peek of January to get an idea of what the other 11 months will look like!

and more

With this great KM social media calendar, you also get two bonuses you can use immediately!


A Total of 150 Viral Video & Caption Hooks

38 for Personal Experiences & Transformations using KM

31 for Educational Tips, Tricks & Tutorials with KM

29 for Controversial & Opinions about KM

34 for Fascination & Intrigue with KM

18 for Point of View & Scenario-based KM Stories


A Total of 93 Call to Actions & Caption Hooks

30 Get More Comments (To Boost You in the Algorithm)

16 Get More Shares (To Reach More Eyeballs)

16 Get More Saves (To Boost You in the Algorithm)

16 Get More Followers (To Grow Your Audience)

15 Get More Sales (To Grow Your Business)

Get your 2024 Knowledge Management Social Media Calendar Today!


Today's Price = $27